What is intergroup?
What is Intergroup's purpose?When was Intergroup organized?How is Intergroup organized?How is Intergroup supported?What vital services does Intergroup provide?Some Typical MisconceptionsWhat does AAWS say about Intergroups?
What vital services does Intergroup provide?
Serving as a clearinghouse for AA information in the area was the focus of most of Intergroup's initial activities. That focus remains a dominant feature of Intergroup's continuing service to the community. Here is a partial list of the vital services Intergroup furnishes:
- Provides 24-hour telephone contact with AA.
- Maintains and publishes a list of AA meetings in the area.
- Maintains a list of AA members available to do 12-step work.
- Keeps a list of AA speakers.
- Provides temporary contacts for people getting out of treatment and correctional facilities.
- Publishes the Lifeline, a monthly newsletter.
- Handles inquiries about AA from the general public.
- Offers AA literature, medallions, and pins for sale.
If you have any questions about the services Saint Paul Intergroup offers, please phone or eMail the Intergroup office. You are also welcome to stop by and check out Intergroup services in person.