Meeting directory
This directory is not to be used as a mailing list or for any form of solicitation or commercial venture.
If you find that a meeting listed in this directory is defunct, please notify the Intergroup office so that it can be removed from the directory. Your assistance helps to keep the directory as current as possible.
All meetings not specifically marked as "Suspended" are assumed to be meeting in person. Please contact the office to report any meetings that you attempt to attend that are not meeting so we can mark them as MIA in the directory, or correct their status to include "Suspended". Thank you.
Open vs. Closed meetings
Open means that anyone may attend. Closed means that only those with a desire to stop drinking may attend.
All meetings gather weekly unless otherwise indicated.
Smoking Meetings
No Smoking
In compliance with the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act (MCIAA) enacted in 1975 to protect public health by restricting smoking in public places and workplaces, all meetings listed in the directory are non-smoking meetings.
You should also read the Freedom To Breath Act information. The Freedom To Breath Act outlawed all smoking in public buildings in Minnesota on October 1, 2007.