FormatServicesZIP CodeCityDay of the weekTime of the dayDay of the week and hour of the dayAttendanceGenderAge groupDuration
This page contains statistical information only and does not include any MIA meetings. If you are trying to find a meeting to attend, please use the Meeting Directory.
Count of meetings by service attributes. These meetings are not totaled because meetings may have one or more of these attributes associated with them.
Name | Directory Abbreviation |
Description | Count |
ASL | AI | American Sign Language interpreter provided | 1 |
Candlelight | CA | Meeting is held in the dark by candlelight | 9 |
Childcare | CC | Childcare available | 15 |
Dual Diagnosis | DD | Dual diagnosis occurs when someone has both a mental disorder and an alcohol problem | 1 |
LGBTQ+ | GL | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender, Queer/Questioning | 10 |
Accessible | HA | Handicapped/Wheelchair accessible | 278 |
Scent free | SF | Please no perfume, cologne or scented products | 2 |
Spanish | SP | Meeting is conducted in the Spanish language. No English is spoken | 55 |